Winter Leaves

Winter Leaves

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Try..... Never use the word TRY!

I just went on the question section of, and someone was asking what everyone's New Years Resolutions would be. This got me very interested as I don't make any. You'll see why soon. But to update- I read some of the feedback and was very interested to see that they were exactly what I expected. Lose weight, eat healthier, drink more water...etc. Also- the most dominant word was...TRY. I will try to eat healthier, try to drink more water.. etc.

The word try is a tough word. It is linked with words like should (I should Exercise more) and need ( I need to eat more fruits and vegetables). They are words of intention, but NOT words of commitment.

If you use these words- try, should, need... you have great INTENTIONS of getting healthy and in shape, but probably are not committed yet.

Do any of these sound familiar>>>
Next Year, I'm going to try to eat more vegetables.
Next year, I am going to try to save more money
Next year, I'm going to try to go to the gym more often.

Yeah, I've said them too. THIS is why I do not make New Years Resolutions. These statements set us up for failure as soon as we say them. There is no commitment behind them!

THIS YEAR: Do this... Make a commitment! Don't wait until New Years. Do it NOW! Sit down and write down ONE, and ONLY ONE VERY SPECIFIC GOAL You want to accomplish in 2010.
and then start it- IMMEDIATELY!

No Excuses! I can hear you now- but it's the holidays.... but we are spending a week at the in-laws and they always cook so much.... STOP! NO excuses! Are you committed, or are you...
gonna try?

I'd love your feedback on this blog! I enjoy a raring Discussion! Visit my page on follow me as friend here- or vilify me :) Either way!

But above all, be true to yourself! Make that commitment- to yourself!

1 comment:

  1. I never make New Years resolutions. I set goals all throughout the year instead...and they are specific goals or events (like my weight loss goal, which is long term, and my half marathon this January). No need, try or should here :-) Yoda has it right-there is no try, there is only do.
